Class Review: SoulCycle

SoulCycle has revolutionized the fitness world ever since it opened in 2006, and its growth has not stopped. For those of you who don’t know about SoulCycle (have you been under a rock?) it is a cycling class that is much more than just moving your legs. It involves your whole body and is done…

Post-Spring Break Sadness

No feeling can be worse than coming back home to have the cold hit you right in the face after a week of wearing only your bikini. After a week of bad eating and heavy drinking, it is important to get back to your regular routine whether you like it or not. Get ready for all…

Class Review: Tabata

For the past few weeks, I’ve been trying different forms of training in order to get my fitness level back to what it was in high school (#tbt). I’ve always been that annoying person at the gym who tries to do more reps or go faster than the person next to me. This is exactly what I did when…

Back At It

Getting up after falling can be hard. Especially when the fall is not working out in a few months and getting back up is finally working out again. That kind of getting up sucks. Every time I get back into working out after a short (or sometimes long) break, I tell myself the same thing:…

Introduction: Caroline

Hi Friends! My name is Caroline- the last of the five contributors of this blog to introduce herself! I’m 22 years old, and studying marketing at GW’s School of Business. I hail from Wilmington, Delaware. When I’m not in class, I’m interning for a nonprofit here in DC. Between school and work, I don’t have…

Introduction: Kelly

Hey everyone! I’m a 21-year-old New Jersey native, currently living in Washington, DC. When not in class at GW, you can catch me exploring DC’s live music scene or over packing my suitcase for my next adventure. It’s a crazy busy time trying to figure out what to do with my life post-grad on top…

Introduction: Nash

I am from Caracas, Venezuela and a senior dreading the thought of graduation. Setting aside my desperation to find a job, I have decided to focus on a much sooner deadline: Spring Break. In high school I used to be a varsity athlete in 3 different sports and was the captain of my soccer team,…

Welcome to the NESS!

The NESS is your guide to achieve greatness. That is your own greatness, whether its running a mile under 9 minutes, getting rid of that freshman 15, or finally learning how to cook healthy. We are all in the same journey to achieve our goals while still graduating college and getting a job. We are…